A Historical Look at the Evolution of Job Searching

A Historical Look At The Evolution Of Job Searching

The 1950s: The Start of the First Job Boards

In the 1950s, job searching began to look a lot different than it had in the past. This is when the first job boards and resources began to crop up. Companies could use different job boards to gauge the best talent in the local community. Newsstands had job postings, and the first telephone-aided job searches also began. The sheer number of job postings and resources made it easier than ever before to find a job.

The 1960s: New Job Searching Tools

The 1960s were a rockstar decade for job searching. This is when companies began to transition towards placing ads in newspapers. Job resource centers also began to crop up all around the country. Not to mention, the rise of the ‘temp agency’ meant even more job resources at those seeking employment’s disposal. With so many resources to choose from, job searching had become significantly easier.

The 1970s: Job Fairs

By the 1970s, job fairs began to appear on the scene. These were essentially gatherings where job hunters and recruiters could meet face-to-face and discuss potential job opportunities. It gave job seekers an open platform to promote their skills and knowledge, and discuss potential jobs with recruiters in a timely fashion.

The 1980s: The Birth of the Internet

When the internet first came to life in the 1980s, job searching changed dramatically. Online job postings became the norm as companies realized they could reach hundreds of potential employees without spending a dime on advertising campaigns. It drastically changed the job landscape and gave job hunters many more resources to use in their search.

The 1990s - Early 21st Century: Job Hunting Gets Social

The 1990s – early 21st century marked a big shift in job searching. Social media was born, and job seekers could now look for vacancies using LinkedIn, Twitter, and other professional networking sites. Employers could also gain access to a wide range of potential employees in no time. This meant job searching had become much more efficient and effective.

Present Day: Mobile Job Searching

Today job seekers can look for jobs on-the-go, thanks to the proliferation of mobile devices. Mobile job searching apps have sprung up on all platforms, giving users the chance to stay connected with the job market anytime, anywhere. It has revolutionized the way we search for jobs.

The Future of Job Searching: Artificial Intelligence

In the near future, AI technology is set to revolutionize job searching. AI powered applications will be able to curate job advertisements and compare data to help job seekers find the perfect match. It will drastically reduce the time job seekers have to spend combing through hundreds of job postings, and give them personalised recommendations for job openings.


The evolution of job searching has been remarkable. What started out as in-person job postings in the 1950s, has become a highly sophisticated online practice. With the help of technology, job searching has been revolutionized, and its role is expected to become more important in the near future with the rise of AI powered job search tools.

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