Adapting Your Job Search for Remote Work Opportunities

Adapting Your Job Search for Remote Work Opportunities

Beginning Your Search

Beginning your search for remote work opportunities can be exciting yet intimidating. To make the most of this change, you must create a job search strategy specific to remote work. Start by assessing what types of skills you possess and which roles are best suited for remote work. Consider the type of industry you want to be a part of, and have an understanding of what you are qualified for. Knowing your skills and qualifications ahead of time will streamline your job search and ensure you are looking in the right places.

Deciding Your Preferred Platform

Once you have an understanding of what type of job you are suited for, it is important to decide which platform you are going to search on. Use research to narrow down the thousands of job boards to find the one that most suits your preferences. With remote work increasingly being popular, large job search sites like and ZipRecruiter are great options. Platforms like LinkedIn are also excellent resources for targeting more specialized roles.

Focusing Your Job Search

Having a focused job search is key when looking for a remote role. Make sure the jobs you apply for are remotely oriented as it can be frustrating to constantly encounter traditional jobs that are not suitable for a transition to working remotely. You can utilize websites like We Work Remotely and FlexJobs which are designed to help you with your job search. Additionally, utilize tools like Why Remote to further hone in on the type of job you are seeking.

Creating Your Resume

Creating a resume tailored for remote work opportunities is important for standing out to potential employers. Start your resume with a statement about why you are suited for a remote role and list your successes. Use data and metrics to prove your ability to solve problems and the value you can bring to the team. Make sure to create a resume and cover letter that look professional and are free from any typos. Proofread your work several times to ensure accuracy.

Building Your Network

Finding networking opportunities can be difficult because traditional networking connections may no longer be available. Fortunately, technology has allowed job seekers to reach out to potential connections remotely. Use your existing connections to help with your job search or join forums to create a network from the ground up. Professional networking groups such as Women Who Code and Girl Develop It are excellent places to start.

Engaging in Professional Discussions

Engaging in professional conversations on social media and in professional forums is an excellent way to show an employer that you are interested and well-informed on industry trends and topics. Select professional organizations to join and take part in discussions relevant to your field. You can also subscribe to newsletters and podcasts that discuss remote working tips and up to date technologies. Also joining in on live webinars and virtual job fairs can be effective for finding job opportunities.

Reaching Out to Companies

Reaching out to remote companies can be an effective way of gaining a job opportunity. Start by researching companies and look for ones that have already begun to use remote working models. You can then create an appropriate cover letter and send it directly to Additionally take the initiative and contact hiring managers and internal staff workers at these companies to explain why you are the most suited candidate for the remote position.


Adjusting your job search to accommodate remote work opportunities can be a challenge. To maximize your chances of success, be sure to define your goals and create a job search strategy specific to remote work. Take advantage of the technology available and create networks that will be beneficial for your job search. Finally, never stop researching potentialremote positions and persistently reach out to companies that have shifted toremote work. If you are diligent, you will find the ideal remote job for you.

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