Balancing Job Search with Current Employment

Balancing Job Search With Current Employment


Searching for the right job while managing your current responsibilities and obligations can be a difficult balancing act. It's important to manage your job search effectively and sensitively while still satisfying the needs of your employer and maintaining your professionalism. In this guide, we will discuss the steps you should take to balance your job search and your current employment.

Establish an Adequate Search Timeline

Before you begin your job search, it’s important to consider how long the process is likely to take and how comfortable you are with the timeline. This timeline should incorporate any lulls in your current job as well as holidays and any other periods of the year where you have extra time. It's essential you leave enough time to find the right job and adjust to a new role while managing your current employment.

Manage Your Time Effectively

When you’re juggling both your job search and current employment, time management is essential. Don’t let your job search detract from the level of service or quality of product your employer expects. It’s important to identify tasks you're able to delegate or outsource, use break periods efficiently to complete applicant forms, and make the most of any spare moments in the day.

Utilize Mornings & Weekends

Set aside time each morning and evening for researching job opportunities, creating a shortlist, and completing relevant applications. Additionally, make sure you use weekends to problem solve your job search, update your documents, and follow up on any completed applications. It’s important to set yourself strict guidelines, monitor your progress, and hold yourself accountable for completing certain tasks by a set date.

Follow Professional Protocol

It's vital to your professional credibility and reputation that you follow the protocol of your current job while still searching for a new one. This means being respectful of colleagues, attending social events, and never using company resources for job search purposes. Searching for a new job should not come at the expense of your current employment and you should always make sure allowance is made for any disruption to the workplace.

Tell Your Manager

Find an appropriate time and place to communicate your plans to your manager in a professional and honest manner. Don’t feel embarrassed or ashamed of your decision to search for a new job – simply emphasizing your interest in exploring different opportunities. This conversation is an important part of managing expectations and is best done face-to-face rather than through email.

Don’t Burn Bridges

It's important to maintain a positive relationship with your employer and peers throughout the job search process. Even if you’ve nurtured a closer relationship with some colleagues, be mindful that news of your job search may come as a surprise to others, and take extra time to foster these connections. Even if you’re dissatisfied in your current role, remain professional and polite and make sure you don’t burn any bridges.


Finding the perfect job takes time and energy, and can be a challenge while managing your current employment responsibilities. It’s important for the success of your job search to be aware of your employer’s expectations, manage your time effectively, and above all be professional. By following the tips suggested in this guide, you can successfully balance your current employment and job search.

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