Balancing Job Searching with Current Work

Balancing Job Searching with Current Work

Maximize Your Time and Results

Taking the time to search for a new job doesn’t have to impede on your current workload. With effective planning and forward-thinking, you can succeed in both your job search and your current responsibilities. Here are a few tips to help you balance your job search and current work.

Set Priorities and Goals

Start by making a list of your goals. Do you want to go for a promotion or switch industries? Once you have identified your goals, list out the tasks that are needed to achieve them. Highlight those tasks that can be completed in your current job and those that must be fulfilled outside of it. Devote some time each day to complete job search-related tasks, or schedule larger blocks of time on weekends.

Stay Organized

Staying organized is key when it comes to managing both tasks. Make a daily to-do list and plan your days to make the most of your time. When you have identified the tasks you need to do that don't overlap, such as research and cold calling, plan blocks of time on weekends devoted solely to that. Keeping everything properly organized will help to ensure that you don’t miss deadlines and important deadlines when you have limited amounts of time.

Utilize Resources Wisely

There are many job search resources available to you like job postings, networking sites, and career websites. Take the time to research new resources that can provide useful information for your job search. Don’t spend too much time surfing the web; instead focus on the resources that will bring you closer to your goals and job-searching objectives.


Using your current job as leverage for job search networking can be extremely beneficial. Utilize professional or industry specific networking sites for your job search. This will help to further educate you on the industry, boost your professional connections, and may even provide you with leads for potential jobs.

Don’t Burn Bridges

It can be easy to forget that while your job search can leave you feeling excited, it can often negatively impact your current work. Always keep in mind that you may at some point need a reference from your current employer. Remain pleasant, work hard and meet your deadlines, to ensure that you are leaving on a good note.

Use Your Resources

Make use of the resources available to you. Talk to friends and family who have job hunting experience. Ask them for tips and advice to help you navigate the job search process. You can also tap into financial resources for career development tools you may need. From tax credits to the snacks you'll need to fuel the job search journey.

Take Care of Yourself

Finally, make sure to take care of yourself. While job searching is an important endeavor that requires time and effort, it is equally important not to forget to take some time out for yourself. Schedule some time off to reset yourself, refocus, and maintain a healthy work life balance.

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