Balancing Your Current Job with Job Hunting |

Balancing Your Current Job and Job Hunting

Are you currently employed and looking to make a career move? Navigating the process of seeking a new job while still employed is a challenging task, but it can be done with finesse, professionalism, and transparency. Keep reading to find out how you can balance your current job with job hunting and willow your chances of finding the right next opportunity for you.

Understand Your Motivations for Making a Change

Before launching your job hunt, it's important to understand why you are looking to move on from your current role and what you are looking for in a new job. Do you need more growth opportunities, a different type of work environment, or an increased salary? Understanding your own motivations for making a career move will help you identify the jobs that fit your criteria.

Create a Search Plan

Once you determine your motivations for making a career move, it's time to map the steps you will take during your job search. Considering details such as how much time you can dedicate to searching, when you will apply for positions, and what sources you intend to use can help you plan a more organized and efficient search process. Keep in mind that job hunting takes time and effort, so it can be helpful to set a timeline for your search and stick to it.

Set Boundaries at Your Current Role

Avoid putting your current job in jeopardy by setting clear boundaries between job hunting and your current role. Keep your search activities private and maintain as much of a professional distance as possible. This will prevent you from compromising your position in your current role, which you want to maintain as long as possible until you can successfully transition.

Make Job Hunting a Priority

While it is essential to set boundaries between job search and current role, it is also important to remember that your job hunt is your top priority. This may mean having to make some difficult decisions about how you prioritize your time and energy while managing both careers. Make decisions that are in the best interest of you and your job search, and be consistent in following through on those decisions.

Reach Out for Support

It can be helpful to enlist a network of support to help you through this process. Your support system can include family, friends, and colleagues who can be a listening ear and resource while you search. Additionally, having a reliable job search mentor can help guide you through any challenges you may face during your search.

Gain Clarity For Your Future Career Path

Job hunting while employed gives you the opportunity to gain clarity for your future career path. Take advantage of this opportunity by reflecting on the goals you want to achieve and the kind of career that aligns with your dreams and values. Create strategies that make your transition seamless and that honor the commitments you made to your current role.

Stress Management

Finding a new job can be a stressful process and juggling two jobs at once can become overwhelming. To stay grounded during this process, remember to prioritize your wellbeing by eating well and exercising regularly. It is also important to set aside some time for yourself to decompress and relax so that you can approach the job search with a clear head.


Balancing your current job with job hunting is a delicate process, but it doesn't have to be a stressful one. By understanding your motivations, creating a search plan, setting boundaries, and reaching out for support, you can give yourself the best chance of finding the perfect next opportunity for your career.

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