Combating Age Bias in Your Job Search

Combating Age Bias in Your Job Search

Ageism is a very real problem that can make it hard to find a job even when you have the qualifications and experience. It’s important to be aware of age bias, so you can recognize when it’s happening and have strategies for how to combat it. This article will look at different aspects of age bias in the job search and provide advice on ways to handle it.

What Is Age Bias?

Age bias is the discrimination against a person because they are considered to be too old or too young for a particular job. Ageism is a problem that is becoming increasingly prevalent as our society increasingly values youth over experience. It’s important to be aware of the potential for ageism when applying for a job.

Hidden Age Bias

Age bias can be hard to recognize because it can be embedded in the way job descriptions are written or instructions given by employers. For example, specifying that “recent college graduates” or “digital natives” are desired could be seen as age bias because it tends to exclude older applicants. Employers should take care to ensure that all job postings are worded in a way that is inclusive of applicants from all age groups.

Combatting Age Bias During the Application Process

When applying for a job, it’s important to be aware of potential age bias. Make sure that you are not simply appealing to the “youthful” qualities that employers may be looking for. Instead, focus on the factual aspects of your qualifications and experiences. Highligh the accomplishments that you are proud of and the skills that an employer can benefit from. This will help show that you are the right person for the job.

Coping with Rejection

When you experience age bias or rejection due to your age, it can be hard to cope. The best way to deal with this kind of rejection is to reflect on it and try to learn from it. Indentify what may have gone wrong in the interview or the application process and find ways to improve for the future. Rejection can be hard to cope with, but it is important to focus on the lessons learnt and not let it get to you too much.

How Employers Can Avoid Age Bias

Employers should always strive to create a fair and inclusive work environment. There are steps employers can take to avoid ageism such as ensuring that job postings are written without any kind of bias and that the interview process is conducted fairly and objectively. Employers should also focus on the qualifications and experiences of potential hires, rather than assuming they will be unable to do a job based on age alone.

Building a Network of Contacts

Another way to combat age bias is by building a strong network of contacts. Having a strong network of colleagues, mentors, and connections can help you find job opportunities that you may otherwise have missed. It’s also important to stay up to date with new developments in the industry and find ways to stay relevant. This will ensure you don’t fall behind on skills and make sure you stay competitive.


Age bias can make it difficult to find a job, but there are ways to deal with it. By being aware of potential age bias and taking steps to combat it, you can still put your best foot forward and find new opportunities. Working on staying up to date with industry changes and finding ways to build a network of contacts can also help you in your job search.

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