Dealing with Job Rejection: Resilience and Persistence

Dealing with Job Rejection: Resilience and Persistence

Job rejection is an unavoidable and inevitable experience in the job search process. It is difficult to cope with but learning to handle job rejection with resilience and persistence is essential if you want to reach your dream job.

Accept & Move On

The first step to dealing with job rejection is accepting it. Don’t let a job rejection get you down. Instead, accept it as an opportunity to learn. Take the time to identify where you went wrong and how you could have done better. Focusing too much on job rejection will only affect your mindset. It’s important to be resilient and keep moving forward.

Don't Take It Personally

When you’re rejected for a job, it’s easy to think that it was because of something you said or did wrong. It is important to remember that a job rejection might not be a reflection of your skills. It could be due to a number of factors such as lack of experience, the hiring manager's preference, and so on. Knowing this will help to lessen the personal blow of not getting the job.

Learn from the Experience

Job rejection is an opportunity to learn and reflect on your performance during the interview. Try to evaluate where you might have gone wrong in the interview, and make a note of areas to focus on in future interviews. Use the feedback you received to your advantage to make modifications in your approach and be better prepared next time.

Make Use of the Rejection

A job rejection doesn’t always mean that you are a bad candidate. Try to make the best of the job rejection by using it as a platform to network and expand your career opportunities. Request an informational interview with the hiring manager or even another department in the company. Such activities provide the much-needed exposure and leverage towards future success.

Maintain Your Confidence

An important aspect of resilience is maintaining a positive and confident attitude during the job search process. Don’t let job rejections get the best of you. Go back to your job search strategy and follow-up with recruiters and other contacts. It is important to remember that job rejection is a normal part of the job search process. Don’t give up and maintain the confidence that eventually you will land your dream job.


No matter how confident you feel about a potential job opportunity, rejection is always lurking around the corner. It’s easy to get caught up in the feeling of job rejection, but if you stay motivated and keep up the resilience and persistence it will eventually pay off. Employers prefer candidates who show strength in the face of adversity and resilience to job rejection in the interview process.

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