Dealing with Job Rejection: Strategies for Resilience

Understanding Rejection: The Reality of Job Searching

Rejection is a regular and unavoidable part of job searching. We often overlook the sheer number of applicants in many industry settings, which may leave us feeling discouraged and left out. The truth is, competition for a prospective job can be overwhelming and it is important to remember that you are not alone in not being accepted. Acknowledging that job rejection is commonplace can be a first step towards developing emotional resilience.

Staying Positive in The Face of Rejection

No matter how many knockbacks you encounter, rejections should never be taken personally. Instead, try to view them as an opportunity to refine your job applications and sharpen your skills going forward. Additionally, try to remember any successes and growth you experienced even during times of rejection, and focus on the positives. That said, it is normal and healthy to experience disappointment, anger, and frustration after each work rejection. Try to channel those feelings towards motivating yourself, and picking yourself up to make a fresh start.

Diversifying Your Job Search

A good strategy to deal with job rejection is to diversify your job search. Broaden your earned experience by applying to a variety of different positions in different industries or expanding your geographic location. You may also want to consider freelancing opportunities or going back to school to re-target your job search. This can help you try out different fields or build transferable skills to give you more chances of success in the future.

Assessing Why you Received the Rejection

Rejection often highlights our areas of growth and development. Take a step back and look objectively through the feedback you received to determine any patterns. For example, are there certain skills that you should be working on? It may be worth changing your resume or approach to ensure that each job application meets the particular specifications of the employer.

Stay Connected and Build Relationships

Networking and making connections are also an important deterrent to feelings of rejection arising from job searching. Not only can attending networking events help to keep you in the loop with particular industries but they can also help to maintain your self-confidence in a challenging job market.

Professional Guidance and Advice

Sometimes, it can be beneficial to reach out to a job consultant or career coach for advice and guidance during the job searching process. Whether it's honing your CV, preparing for an interview, or gaining direction in your job search, professional guidance can provide tremendous insight into the realities of job search.

Self Care and Moving on

It's imperative to take time to recover and look after yourself in periods of job rejection. Whether it’s physical activities, socializing, or taking time out for yourself, it is important to keep your spirits up in difficult times. Rejection can be difficult, but it can also be a stepping-stone for greater successes in the future. Keep your focus and hopes high and you will eventually find something that suits you.

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