Emotional Intelligence in Job Interviews: Why It Matters

Emotional Intelligence in Job Interviews: Why It Matters

What is Emotional Intelligence (EI)?

Emotional Intelligence (EI) is the ability to identify, assess, and control one’s own emotions as well as the emotions of those around them. It is an important skill for job seekers because employers want to see that a potential candidate can handle the pressure of day-to-day work in a professional manner. This ability will be tested and evaluated during the interview process, when a candidate is asked direct questions about how they will react to stressful and unexpected situations. Employers want to know if the candidate’s emotions can handle the stress and if they can be relied upon to think rationally in tense moments.

The Benefits of EI in the Workplace

Those who have a high level of Emotional Intelligence are more likely to be hired because they demonstrate the ability to handle stressful situations calmly and refocus their attention on the task at hand. Those with high EI also have better communication skills, which is key for any job. They can effectively express their ideas and opinions, and understand the emotions of those around them. EI also helps employees to stay organized and focused on the tasks, as well as helping them prioritize their workday.

Using EI in Job Interviews

During a job interview, a candidate’s Emotional Intelligence will be evaluated by the interviewer. Interviewers will judge the candidate’s response to various questions and will be looking for signs that the candidate is able to control their emotions and think rationally. A good way to demonstrate this is to answer questions with detailed and thought-out responses. The candidate should also try to remain composed and professional even when faced with difficult questions.

Demonstrating EI During an Interview

The best way to demonstrate Emotional Intelligence during an interview is to be prepared and practice. Candidates should practice in advance by familiarizing themselves with common interview questions and taking the time to consider how they would respond to each one. They should also practice calming techniques such as deep breathing and focusing on staying positive in order to maintain an even-keeled demeanor. Finally, don't forget to always be honest and be yourself; it's important to show the interviewer that you can manage your emotions and stay with the truth no matter how difficult the situation.


Having a strong Emotional Intelligence is beneficial in both the workplace and a job interview. Those with high EI can think rationally and handle stressful situations with ease, which makes them more attractive to employers. The best way for a job candidate to demonstrate their EI is to be prepared, practice responses, and remain composed and professional during the interview.

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