Finding Success in International Job Hunting

Finding Success in International Job Hunting

For some, the idea of an international career is appealing and attractive. Whether it be that a more appealing job is available outside of their own country, or that they have a desire to move and live abroad, international job hunting can offer additional options that domestic job hunting may not. In addition, those looking to make a career change or explore different career paths may find the expanded geographic boundaries beneficial. That said, the process for job searching internationally can be much more difficult than a domestic search due to several reasons. Understanding the differences between domestic and international job searches is key to making sure your search is a success.

Research your Industry

Learning about the specific country you wish to work in is essential to your job search. Firstly, you should be aware of the local business customs and etiquette specific to the local area; just as you would if you were searching domestically. In addition, make sure you are researching general industry-specific trends that may be relevant to the new area you’re targeting. Knowing who the biggest employers are in the industry or region, what entry-level positions they are hiring for, and what qualifications they are seeking are all pieces of data that can prove to be helpful in your search.

Networking is Essential

More than ever, networking is essential for a successful international job search. This includes seeking out industry contacts in the area that you’re applying to, as well as building connections with any recruiters or job boards. Additionally, join industry-specific groups or community organizations within the countries you are targeting to further enhance your networking opportunities. More established contacts in the region can open up doors of opportunity to job postings that may not be advertised elsewhere. Keeping a strong network of contacts active and current is a great asset to have when attempting to land a job in a new region.

Understand the Documentation Process

Applying to international jobs can be more complex due to the need for additional documentation validating your work and education history. That being said, it’s important to be aware of the kinds of documentation necessary for the job you are applying for. Additionally, you should look into which forms and applications are necessary to legally work in the country you are targeting. Having all of the documents needed, and in the necessary formats, will make the entire job application process smoother as you may have to send it in with your application.

Update Your Resume and Cover Letter

Before beginning the application process, updating your resume and cover letter is a must. In comparison to domestic job applications, international jobs may require additional aspects that need to be included in the resume. This includes highlighting any language capabilities you may have, emphasizing your experience abroad, and noting why your prior experience is transferable to the new job. Noting your international experience and skills on your resume can make your job application stand out and give you an edge over other applicants.

Translate Appropriately

If you are applying to jobs in another country, chances are sales materials and digital content in the language of the targeted region would be beneficial. Translating documents and social media accounts into the local language can help your application stand out from the competition. Making sure the translation is done appropriately and accurately should be the number one priority in this step.

Be Patient and Persevere

The process of international job hunting is an arduous process, however, the success of it largely depends on staying diligent in your search. Quality over quantity is key here, as you should do research on any potential employers before applying and move forward with applications that are a good match for your particular skill set and industry. Additionally, having a supportive peer or professional network to rely on as inspiration or for constructive criticism will help you in your search. With this in mind, taking the process one step at a time and being patient during the job searching process will pay dividends in the long run and increase the likelihood of finding success in international job hunting.

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