Goal Setting in Career Planning: A Tactical Approach

Goal Setting in Career Planning: A Tactical Approach

Every career requires setting objectives and achieving goals in order to succeed. But what exactly does a tactical approach to goal setting involve and how can it help us reach our target? This article looks into the process of using a tactical approach to career planning and goal setting.

What is Tactical Goal Setting?

Tactical goal setting is a structured approach to career planning and goal setting that involves breaking down goals into smaller, more achievable tasks. Rather than setting a single grand goal, the process involves identifying the steps needed to reach the objective and implementing them in a planned sequence. This approach is an effective way to stay motivated towards achieving a long-term goal.

Benefits of Tactical Goal Setting

Tactical goal setting not only helps create manageable tasks in the short-term, but also considers how these steps will lead to the desired outcomes in the future. Through this method, the focus is more on the journey, rather than the destination. This increases the chances of success by reducing the chances of procrastination or distraction.

Steps in Tactical Goal Setting

Tactical goal setting involves breaking down grand objectives into a series of smaller goals. By looking at the overall objective and breaking it down into more achievable tasks, a plan is formulated to reach the desired objectives. The following steps are usually taken in tactical goal setting.


By taking a tactical approach to goal setting, it's possible to stay focused and motivated in order to reach our desired objectives. By breaking down our goals into smaller tasks and setting timelines to complete these tasks, this method helps us stay on track and increase our chances of success.

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