How to Overcome Job Rejection and Stay Resilient

How to Overcome Job Rejection and Stay Resilient

Taking Time for Reflection and Self-Care

After a job rejection, it’s important to take time for yourself. Give yourself the time and space needed to acknowledge and fully process your emotions rather than trying to ignore them. Acknowledge and validate any feelings of dissatisfaction and disappointment, while also taking care of your physical health. Consider activities such as taking a hot bath or going outside to clear your head. Make use of your support network and talk to family and friends to help gain new perspectives. Make sure to give yourself a break, and focus on self-care activities such as hobbies or wellness activities.

Understanding the Relevance of Setbacks

Remember to not take it personally. While it can feel like a personal attack, job rejection is often an unfortunate setback which has nothing to do with your unique talents or skills. Making it a goal to understand and accept the possibility of failure allows you to think of it as a challenge rather than a failure. Realizing that the hiring process is ultimately out of your control and that employers’ decisions are subjective and change routinely, can help mitigate feelings of rejection.

Focused Resilience

When faced with job rejection, take the time to create an actionable plan and stay focused. Make sure to check off tasks such as updating your résumé and keep up with networking contacts. Staying focused on tangible goals helps keep smaller issues like job rejection in perspective. To create a plan of attack, break goals down in timelines or in manageable steps. This can help regain focus after a setback. By setting realistic goals and measurable milestones, staying the course can help remain resilient and motivated to pursue future opportunities.

Positive Reframing

When rebounding from job rejection, it’s important to reframe it in a positive light. Take the rejection and use it as an opportunity for growth. Note down any feedback given and use it as a tool for improvement. Try looking back at the experience without the attachment of emotion. Focusing on the gains and any skills or knowledge acquired can help take away the sting of a job rejection.

Staying Authentic

It can be easy to lose sight of our own `true selves during the job search process, by attempting to make ourselves into the person the employer wants us to be. However, when faced with job rejection, it’s essential to tap into our authentic selves and understand that there is always something to be learned. Focus on the things that you do have control over and try to make the best of any new situation. Accepting the rejection. Remember a setback is not representative of your whole worth or success.

Planning for the Future

Take some time to visualise what you want in the future and become actively involved in actively planning for it. Focusing on the outcome you want to achieve and researching other options and opportunities can help stay motivated and resilient. Assessing what went wrong, if anything, and making the necessary changes will give you a better chance of succeeding in reaching your goals. Don’t forget to monitor your emotions to ensure that you remain focused on achieving tangible outcomes.


Facing job rejection can be difficult, but it’s important to remember that it’s not a reflection of who you are as a person. Take the time to practice reflection and activate an action plan to stay focused on future goals. Utilise approaches such as self-care and positive reframing to help bounce back from job rejection and tap into the resilience you already possess.

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