Job Searching During Holiday Seasons | Tips For Success

Job Searching During Holiday Seasons

The holiday season comes with its own unique set of challenges, especially when it comes to job searching. With businesses closed or operating at reduced capacity, and many people cutting back on their search efforts, landing a job during the season can be difficult. Even so, there are still plenty of opportunities out there. The key is to keep your job search active and take advantage of the available resources.

Know What to Expect

It’s important to understand what to expect when job searching during the holidays. Most hiring processes start long before the end of the year, so the available roles may be limited. And as the year draws to a close, employers may be more focused on wrapping up current projects and less interested in bringing new staff on board. That said, there are still a handful of organizations that may be willing to extend offers during this time.

Find Opportunities & Utilize the Holidays

Once you’ve accepted the reality of limited positions being available, start researching those that do exist. Make use of the holiday lull to dig deep into industry news and uncover the latest job openings. Keep an eye out for applications that are due relatively quickly, as employers don’t want to wait for resumes if they need someone soon. Putting together a few polished resumes can help you apply quickly for any promising opportunities that you come across.

Network Your Way to Success

Networking is key to finding employment during the holiday season. Reach out to your friends, family, former colleagues, and networks for job leads. Connect with recruiters and industry insiders, as well as those who may be looking to hire. Offer value by providing introductions, referrals, or advice. Participate in virtual events and job fairs. Attend virtual workshops, conferences, or career nights. Utilize job search platforms like Glassdoor, Indeed, and LinkedIn.

Prepare for Virtual Interviews

As the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic persist, many companies are relying on virtual interviews as a way to narrow down their applicant pool. To make the most of your virtual interviews, make sure you have the technical requirements covered ahead of time. Get acquainted with the virtual platform (e.g. Zoom, Skype) you’ll be using, practice the interview with a friend, and research the company thoroughly. Be sure to dress professionally, even if you’re doing the interview from the comfort of your own home.

Keep Moving Forward

No matter what happens, don’t give up on your job search during the holiday season. The increased downtime can offer a great opportunity for reflection and to work on your skills and profile. Use the time to reflect on your accomplishments and the direction you want your career to take. Take courses, join networking groups, or develop a new project that showcases your skills. Invest in yourself and you may even find yourself with an offer ahead of the new year.

Be Open & Flexible

For many, the holiday season is a time to consider a career change or move on to a new opportunity. Taking risks and embracing change can lead to exciting career opportunities. Adapt to the current job market conditions and be open to different types of roles. Don’t get stuck searching for a specific job title, position, or company. You may be surprised by the different roles you find by being open about your search.

Make the Most of It

Searching for a job during the holidays doesn’t have to be a tedious task. Despite the limited opportunities, you can still find success by applying a strategic approach to your job search and taking advantage of the resources at your disposal. Target specific roles and companies, focus on networking, be prepared for virtual interviews, and take the time to invest in yourself.

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