Job Searching Tips for Parents Returning to Work

Job Searching Tips for Parents Returning to Work


Pursuing a career can be an overwhelming experience for any adult, but especially for parents who are returning to the workforce after an extended leave of absence due to child rearing. While this may seem like an intimidating endeavor, it can also be an exciting and rewarding opportunity. With the right information and attitude, parents can use this transition to launch a unique, fulfilling career. In this guide, we provide seven tips to help parents who are returning to the workforce find a job.

Develop Your Resume

The first step for any job searcher is to develop a strong resume. Take a look at your achievements, including any awards you may have won or skills you may have developed, and make sure they are prominently featured in your resume. Be sure to lean on your previous work experience as well, even if it is not directly relevant to your current job search. Continue to update and refine your resume as you apply for positions, tweaking it slightly depending on the industry or job.

Utilize Your Network

Your existing network should be one of your most valuable resources when job searching. Reach out to your past colleagues, mentors, and other professionals to see what kind of opportunities they can provide to you. Don’t be afraid to pick their brain and ask them about key job search strategies. Leverage your network to understand common terms or concepts in certain industries and to gain insights into specific job openings.

Utilize Online Job Search Platforms

Utilizing online job search platforms like LinkedIn, Indeed and Glassdoor can also be beneficial. Platforms like these make it easy to create a detailed profile and find jobs related to your field of expertise. You can also use these platforms to set up job alerts and notifications to stay on top of newly posted positions.

Update Your Social Media Profiles

Next, create or update your professional social media profiles. Many employers now utilize social media sites like LinkedIn and Twitter for recruiting. Make sure your profiles are up to date and contain information that directly relates to your desired profession. Additionally, use these sites to connect with industry professionals and join relevant groups and discussions.

Take Time to Research Companies

Before applying for a job, take some time to do research on the company. Read through their website and social media channels to understand their mission and values. Try to get a sense of their company culture and see what other people are saying about them. This background knowledge will give you an advantage when answering specific interview questions.

Enroll in Training Programs

Depending on your industry, consider enrolling in a refresher or continuing education course to gain up-to-date skills and knowledge. You can often attend these courses online or through local communities. Participating in these programs can give you an edge in the job search process, as you can demonstrate to employers that you are knowledgeable in your field and willing to learn more.

Take Advantage of Job Support Services

Professional organizations, career coaching services, and other job support services can also be helpful in the job search process. These services typically provide guidance on how to effectively prepare for an interview, craft a strong resume, and interview questions. They often also provide career resources and connections to job openings.


Returning to the workforce as a parent can be both a challenging and rewarding experience. With careful preparation and the right mindset, parents can achieve success in their job search. Utilize your existing network, popular job search platforms, and job support services to set yourself up for success. We hope that this guide has been a useful resource for you and wish you luck in your job search.

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