Overcoming Age Bias in Job Searching

Overcoming Age Bias in Job Searching

Understanding Age Bias

Age bias is the dismissing of older workers when hiring, due to prejudice against their age. This kind of bias is unfortunately pervasive in the world of job searching. The stereotype of older workers being less productive and able to learn new skills puts them at a disadvantage when looking for jobs.

Furthermore, age bias is often unconscious or unintentional. Recruiters may unknowingly make assumptions about older applicants, such as their ability to handle new technology, their flexibility and adaptability, and their commitment to their careers.

However, age bias is illegal. With the help of civil rights laws, anyone suffering from discrimination or harassment on the basis of their age can hold companies accountable. It is important for job seekers to be aware of age bias and steps they can take to address it.

Tips to Overcome Age Bias

To increase your chances of being considered for a job, you'll want to take steps to minimize age bias against you. Here are a few tips for doing so:

Remember, you may not be able to control the bias that employers have against you. But you can take steps to mitigate it and ensure you get a fair chance at getting the job you want.

Harnessing the Benefits of Maturity

Rather than dwelling on negatives such as prejudices, older workers can take advantage of the many benefits their maturity brings. For example, employers value older workers’ experience, intelligence, and judgement. Older workers may also be better at problem-solving, decision making, and multitasking due to their years of experience.

Older workers may also have a better understanding of the organization’s mission and values. They can provide valuable insight and perspective to the team, boosting morale and overall productivity.

With the proper mindset and attitude, you can overcome any negative perceptions employers may have. Utilize the skills and strengths that come with being an experienced and mature worker to showcase your value to the organization.

Networking Effectively

Networking with people in your industry is always important no matter what your age. When you are an older worker, it is especially worth noting that many of those in your network may be your age, and may have similar career goals and challenges.

Take the opportunity to connect with them and learn from them. You can share valuable advice and experiences, leading to stronger relationships that may benefit you in the long run. Finding mentors who can help boost your career is also essential.

Taking Legal Action

If you experience age-based discrimination during your job search, you may be eligible to take legal action against the employer. Make sure to document all instances of age bias, including any comments that seem to indicate this. Keep in mind, the law prohibits discrimination but does not cover any employer decisions that have been made without any age-based bias.

Seek out a qualified lawyer who is familiar with civil rights cases related to age bias, and who will be able to provide additional insight. Depending on the situation, you may be eligible for damages and other forms of compensation.


Age bias in job searching is unfortunately common, but there are ways that you can mitigate it and ensure that you are given a fair chance. Highlight your experience and stay up-to-date on trends in your field. Harness the benefits of maturity and develop strong connections and mentorships in your field. Finally, consider taking legal action if instances of discrimination occur.

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