Overcoming Age Bias in Your Job Search

Overcoming Age Bias in Your Job Search

What is Age Bias?

Age bias is the discrimination based on age. This type of discrimination is especially prevalent in the job market, where job seekers can experience bias against them because of their age. This bias can come in many forms - from getting passed over for a younger applicant, to receiving negative feedback from employers about being “overqualified.” Age bias in the job search can be difficult to identify and even more difficult to overcome.

Understanding How Employers Perceive Age

As an older job seeker, it’s important to understand how employers perceive age in the workforce. Employers may have preconceived notions that an older person is out of touch with recent technologies, may not have the energy or motivation to keep up with a fast-paced work environment, or might even be nearing retirement. More often than not, these preconceived notions are misguided and untrue. However, it’s important to be aware of these biases when job searching.

Combatting Age Bias With Confidence

The key to combatting age bias is to be self-confident. Having confidence in your abilities and experience can help you make a lasting impression on the hiring manager. Be sure that your resume focuses on the experience and skills you have that are applicable to the job you’re applying for, rather than listing irrelevant facts such as your age. The goal is to show the employer that you’re the best person for the job and prove your qualifications through evidence.

Using The Right Language In Your Job Search

The language you use can have an impact on how you’re perceived by employers, so be sure to use the right language as you apply for jobs. Avoid phrases like “I’ve been in the field for X years” and focus instead on talking about the skills and accomplishments you’ve achieved over the years. Also, show the employer that you are up-to-date with recent technologies and developments in your field. Doing so will demonstrate to the employer that you are confident and capable of keeping up with current technology.

Targeting Industries That Embrace Older Workers

Some industries are more welcoming to older job seekers than others. If you are targeting a specific industry, research it to see which companies are most likely to be open to candidates from different age groups. Companies that hire a more diverse workforce are more likely to be open to older candidates. Also, consider consulting positions or contract work, which can be a great way for older workers to gain experience in an industry.

Strategies for Networking With Younger Professionals

Many job searches rely on networking, but as an older job seeker, it can be intimidating to reach out to younger professionals. Try to put yourself in the shoes of the other person. Think about what value and insights you can offer and keep in mind that building strong relationships is just as important as finding job leads. Try to attend networking events that are geared towards a diverse group of professionals and be confident in your abilities and experience.


Age bias in the job search can be a challenge for older workers, but it is possible to overcome it. With the right strategies, you can prove to employers that you are just as capable and qualified as any other applicant. Awareness and self-confidence can go a long way towards combatting age bias, and there are many industries and positions that are open to older candidates. With the right attitude and effort, you can make the most of your job search regardless of age.

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