Post-Interview Follow-Up: Best Practices

Post-Interview Follow-Up: Best Practices

Introduction to Post-Interview Follow-up

Being invited for an interview is an exciting achievement in any job search. But a successful interview isn’t complete until you perform one more important step: the post-interview follow-up. A well-executed post-interview follow-up lets hiring teams know you’re interested, enthusiastic and serious about the job.

The Importance of Follow-Up

Following up after a job interview is an essential part of the hiring process. By taking the time to contact the company after a job interview, you demonstrate your enthusiasm for the position and show that you’re eager and committed to joining their team. In addition to providing a friendly reminder of the conversation you had with the hiring manager, a follow-up letter or email is a great way to deepen your connection with a potential employer.

When to Follow Up

It’s important to send your post-interview follow-up promptly. Aim to send it within 24 hours of leaving the interview. By sending your letter quickly, you’ll demonstrate that you’re truly interested in the role and eager to join the team.

Types of Follow Up Communications

When it comes to post-interview follow-up, there are a few different options you can choose from. You could choose to send a thank-you letter, email, or phone call. Depending on the type of role you applied for, you may decide to use a combination of methods. For example, if you’ve applied for a customer-facing roll you could consider calling the interviewer to thank them and follow up with an email.

What to say in a Follow-up Message

When writing a post-interview follow-up, remember to keep it brief, friendly, and professional. Thank the interviewer for their time, provide your contact details and reiterate your interest in the role. Feel free to mention any additional points of interest that may have come up in the interview. You may also want to refer back to any points of discussion that your interviewer seemed to find interesting.

Get Creative with Your Follow-up

Think outside the box and try to make your follow-up stand out. Consider adding a personal touch—maybe you noticed a particular book on their bookshelf or something the two of you had in common. If you have a portfolio, now is the perfect time to share it. Lastly, don’t hesitate to ask about next steps or provide additional resources if you have them.


The post-interview follow-up is an important part of the job search process. Taking the time to properly thank the interviewer and remind them of why you’re the perfect fit for the role shows that you’re professional, eager and excited about the opportunity. Make sure your follow-up is timely, polite and clearly communicates your enthusiasm for the role.

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