Post-Interview Follow-Up: Effective Techniques

Post-Interview Follow-Up: Effective Techniques

The Benefits of Post-Interview Follow-Up

Following up after an interview is an important part of the job application process. Post-interview follow-up allows job seekers to make a positive impression with potential employers, build relationships, demonstrate enthusiasm for the position, and show their commitment to getting the job. Effective follow-up can also give job seekers the opportunity to address any worries the employer might have about hiring them, and allow them to iron out any misunderstandings or unanswered questions. In short, following up after an interview can help job seekers stand out from the crowd and increase their chances of success.

Types of Post-Interview Follow-Up

There are several types of post-interview follow-up. Sending a thank-you note or letter is the most common type of post-interview follow-up and is recommended for all job applicants. There are also more unconventional types of follow-up, such as calling the interviewer to thank them for their time or sending a handwritten note with a small token of appreciation. Each of these methods can bring its own benefits, so job seekers should consider which type of follow-up is best suited to their job application.

When Should You Follow-Up?

When following up, job seekers should wait a few days before sending anything. This gives the interviewer time to consider the interview and make a decision about who to hire. Job seekers should also try to limit their follow-up to one or two times, as too much follow-up can have a negative impact on their chances of success. If the employer requests an urgent response, however, it is important to respond quickly and professionally.

What Should You Say?

When following up, job seekers should make sure that their messages are short, concise, and polite. They should thank the interviewer for their time and reiterate their interest in the role. It is also a good idea to include additional information that wasn’t discussed in the interview. This could include additional qualifications, work experience, or examples of previous work.

Importance of Follow-Up After Multiple Interviews

Where an employer has conducted multiple interviews, it is important for job seekers to follow up after each interview. Doing so helps job seekers to stay top-of-mind with the employer, and makes them more likely to be invited for the next round of interviews. After multiple interviews, job seekers should also make sure to thank each interviewer and highlight anything that was discussed in the earlier interviews that connects to the later interview.

Post-Interview Follow-Up Mistakes to Avoid

When following up post-interview, job seekers should avoid making any mistakes that could make them appear desperate or unprofessional. This includes avoiding overstaying their welcome on the phone, or sending multiple follow-up emails beyond what the employer has requested. Job seekers should also avoid appearing arrogant, and try to stay focused on the task in hand rather than getting distracted by unrelated topics.

When to Follow-Up After Not Receiving a Response

The average response time for an interview follow-up is one to two weeks; if job seekers haven’t received a response after this period, they should not be afraid to follow up again. They should keep their messages polite and acknowledge that the employer was likely busy, and they should always be prepared to have the interview process extended, as this is often the case with highly competitive roles.


Successfully following up after an interview is an important part of the job application process, and can help job seekers increase their chances of success. Job seekers should take care to choose the right type of follow-up for their job application, and make sure to be polite, concise, and professional in all their messages if they are to stand out from the crowd.

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