Secrets to Accessing the Hidden Job Market

Secrets to Accessing the Hidden Job Market

Introduction: What Exactly is the Hidden Job Market?

It may come as somewhat of a surprise to many jobseekers that the vast majority of available positions are not even advertised. Referred to as the “hidden job market”, these positions represent an estimated 80 percent of job opportunities. Knowing how to effectively access this hidden job market can mean the difference between struggling and succeeding in your chosen career.

1. Utilize Your Network

The adage “it’s not what you know but who you know” still holds a great deal of truth in the modern job market. Maintaining a network of contacts is incredibly beneficial as you never know who might be in the position to hand you a golden opportunity. Research has found that as much as 70-75 percent of all jobs are secured through these networks.

2. Leverage Social Media

Today’s biggest recruitment platform is no longer a professional networking website like LinkedIn, but the world's largest social network - Facebook. This free social recruitment tool is becoming increasingly popular among employers for it's vast breadth of reach and is key to screening potential candidates with ease. Furthermore, staying active and engaged on social networking platforms can be a great way to build connections and increase your chances for being discovered.

3. Maximize Your Credibility

To stand out from the crowd, it is important that you have a complete professional profile, containing information such as a work history that reflects your skills and experience. Beyond that, establishing yourself as a subject-matter expert in fields relevant to potential job roles with a portfolio or certifications can dramatically increase your chances of being found in the sea of applicants.

4. Apply with Companies Directly

As the world of recruitment continues to evolve, direct applications are becoming increasingly popular among employers. Although it might seem easier to go through a job portal, chances are a direct application will bring you more visibility. If you can successfully locate the correct hiring manager and pitch yourself in an organized and efficient manner, chances are the job application will draw more attention.

5. Reach Out to Recruiters and Headhunters

Professional recruiters and headhunters can be a great asset in a job search. They can be a great help in providing information, support, and advice during your job search. Furthermore, their expertise in networking can be invaluable as they can provide access to exclusive positions that most people will never hear about. However, remember to build relationships and work closely with just one or two recruiters to ensure the best chance of success.

The Bottom Line

By targeting the hidden job market, jobseekers can access exclusive positions and have the opportunity to stand out from the others in the crowd. Leveraging a combination of methods like networking, utilizing social media, and reaching out to recruiters can make a huge difference in the success of any job search. With that in mind, jobseekers are advised to explore every avenue available and carefully consider their options.

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