Strategies for Overcoming Job Search Burnout

Strategies for Overcoming Job Search Burnout

Job search burnout is a common problem faced by many job seekers. A combination of feelings of defeat, lack of control, and perpetual rejection can be demotivating and sometimes even lead to giving up on the search altogether. Fortunately, there are several strategies you can use to overcome job search burnout and get back to feeling motivated and positive about your job search.

Set Clear Goals

Breaking your job search down into smaller goals can make it easier to take on those daunting tasks (like writing a cover letter). As you complete these smaller goals, you'll build momentum and increase your feelings of control and progress. Set measurable targets, such as applying for three jobs a day, or updating your resume once a week.

Take Breaks

Jobs searches are often lengthy and tedious. Without enough time to rest and recharge, it can be easy to become overwhelmed and burnt out. It's important to take regular breaks to avoid becoming too overwhelmed. Give yourself a break from the job search each day and come back with a fresh set of eyes the next day.

Create a Support Network

Burnout can be difficult to get through on your own, so it's important to create a network of family, friends, and other job seekers who can provide you with necessary support during your job search. If you've been struggling to stay motivated, reach out to your network for advice, or even just a friendly chat to help you recharge.

Make Connections

Networking is absolutely essential in the job search process, and making connections with potential employers can be a great way to help you stay motivated. Even if a particular meeting doesn't lead to a job offer, any connection you make is an invaluable learning experience and may lead to future opportunities. It's also a great way to stay engaged and keep yourself motivated during your job search.

Stay Positive

It's often easy to get overwhelmed with negative thoughts during a job search. Trying to remain positive can be a challenge, but staying focused on the big picture will help keep you motivated. Remind yourself that many people have gone through the job search process and eventually found success. You will too.

Reward Yourself

Rewarding yourself for your progress can be a great way to stay motivated during your job search. Make yourself a promise that after completing a certain task, like (erfecting a resum), you'll allow yourself a small reward, like buying a cup of coffee or taking a day off. Rewarding yourself gives you something to look forward to and helps maintain momentum.

Seek Professional Help

Sometimes, no matter how hard we try, we just can't break out of our feelings of overwhelm and disappointment. If you feel like your job search burnout is too much to handle alone, it might be time to seek professional help. A career counsellor or similar professionals can provide valuable insight and perspective to help you get back on track.


Job search burnout can be difficult to cope with, but it is possible to overcome it and stay motivated during your job search. By setting clear goals, taking breaks, creating a support network, making connections, staying positive, and rewarding yourself, you can make the process of finding the perfect job that much easier and less overwhelming.

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