Tackling Age Bias in the Job Search Process

Tackling Age Bias in the Job Search Process

Age bias in employment can be pervasive in the job search process, with age often playing a major role in the hiring process. Unfortunately, many employers tend to prefer younger applicants due to their assumed lower wages and their ability to “keep up” with the latest technology and trends. It is important to acknowledge that age alone should not be a factor when searching for a job - experience, qualifications, and skills should be the main criteria.

Recognizing Age Bias in Job Ads

Often, age bias is most evident in the wording of job search ads. For example, when employers advertise a faculty position or internship, they may specify an age range for potential applicants. This is an obvious form of age bias and employers and recruitment agencies should be aware of the issue. It is also important to understand that this type of discrimination is illegal, and companies who do this can be sued for discrimination.

Challenging Age Bias in the Hiring Process

When confronted with age bias on a job search, it is important to challenge it whenever possible. It may be difficult to do this as some companies will try to skirt around the issue; however, it is important to be firm and make it clear that age should not be the only factor in the hiring process. If an employer is unwilling to budge on this matter, it may be better to look for other job opportunities rather than supporting a company that engages in discriminatory practices.

Taking Action Against Age Discrimination

If a job seeker feels they were discriminated against due to their age, they have legal options available to them. Under the Age Discrimination in Employment Act, employers are barred from engaging in any actions which have a detrimental effect on potential workers due to their age. If an applicant can prove that this has happened to them, they can then file a complaint with the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC).

The Benefits of an Age Diverse Workforce

Employers should understand the importance of hiring a diverse workforce in terms of age, as well as other protected characteristics. A diverse workforce can bring a variety of skills, knowledge, and perspectives to any company. Workers of all ages can contribute to the success of an organization, and their different experiences can provide invaluable insights into how a business can improve. Aged employees can also add a sense of stability and maturity to a team, as well as experience in leadership roles which can be beneficial when faced with complex situations.

Supporting Older Job Seekers

Age bias in the job search process is something that needs to be acknowledged and challenged. It is important to seek out organizations that are actively looking to hire workers of all ages, and those which are doing their best to remove any age bias from their recruitment process. There are also a number of support groups and online resources which can be accessed to help job seekers who are facing discrimination due to their age. All job seekers should feel empowered to fight age discrimination and take action when it is encountered.


Age bias can be frustrating for job seekers, but with the right attitude and tactics, it can be overcome. A diverse workforce is beneficial for any organization, and employers should ensure they are finding the right candidates for the job based on qualifications and skills, rather than age alone. Organizations that value workers of all ages and are actively seeking to create an age-diverse team should be supported and acknowledged.

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