Tips For Succeeding in Telephone Interviews

What is a Telephone Interview?

A telephone interview is a type of short virtual interview which is conducted over the phone with a potential employer. The interview usually lasts between 15-30 minutes and covers a range of topics, such as personal background, qualifications, experience, and goals. The interviewer will work to get an overall impression of the candidate’s suitability for the role.

Preparing for the Interview

Preparation is key when it comes to succeeding in a telephone interview. Before the interview, research the company, identify their key products and services, and understand the role you are applying for. Listen carefully to the questions asked and have ideas of how to answer them. It is also important to have your résumé or CV easily accessible and ready to refer to during the phone call.

During the Interview

During your telephone interview, you will need to project your enthusiasm and confidence. Make sure to use a calm and professional tone of voice and be sure to smile – people can hear your smile over the phone. Listen carefully and provide complete and accurate answers to the interviewer’s questions. If you don’t understand something, don’t be afraid to ask for clarification.

Oral and Communication Skills

It is important to demonstrate your excellent communication and oral skills during the interview. Speak clearly and take your time when answering the interviewer’s questions. Make sure to keep your voice tonality and pace consistent throughout the conversation. Keep your answers concise, relevant, and to the point, and avoid rambling or going off on tangents.

Q&A Session

When the interviewer has finished their questions, it is usually your turn to ask some of your own. This can be a great opportunity to demonstrate your interest in the job and to gain further insights into the role itself. It is recommended to research some questions before the interview so that you can show your enthusiasm and deep knowledge of the job you are applying for.

Follow Up

If the phone interview went well, make sure to thank the interviewer for their time and ask for an update or timeline for next steps. Following up with an email a day or two after the telephone interview can also be a great way to stay top of mind and keep your profile visible to the interviewer.


When it comes to succeeding in a telephone interview, preparation and practice are key. Establishing a strong communication style and demonstrating your knowledge and enthusiasm for the job can make all the difference. Follow the tips mentioned in this article and you should be able to have a successful phone interview that will help to take the next steps in your career journey.

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