All Resume HowTo Articles

All Resume HowTo Articles

Are you looking for useful tips and tricks to create a flawless resume? If you are then you have come to the right place! In this page, you will find the necessary information that will support you in designing a standout resume.

1. Make an Outline

The first step to creating a concise resume is to build an outline. Establishing the layout and contents of the resume from the very beginning will help focus your content and ensure that each portion of the document is organized and easy to read. The outline should include categories such as skills, experience, education, acknowledgement, etc. that correspond to each section of the resume. Having this framework in place will provide a roadmap to build the content for each section.

2. Make Use of Relevant Keywords

The next step in building an effective resume is to have specific keywords correlating to the job that you are applying for. Adding keywords that match the job posting will accentuate your skills and qualifications to the employer. Make sure to sprinkle the keywords where necessary without overstuffing the resume. Depending on the type of job that you are applying for, keywords related to your skills, experience, as well as key phrases should be included for maximum impact.

3. Divide Your Resume into Sections

Breaking the contents of your resume into distinct sections will help to showcase your skills and credentials to the employer. Highlighting your abilities in different categories will exhibit your expertise and experience to the employer in a clearer and unified fashion. Make sure to consolidate the section titles using capitalization to make it easier to read.

4. Use Dynamic Action Words

Once the contents of each sections are established, go through them and use words that express your work. Using verbs will help demonstrate the impact of your work to the employer. On the other hand, using weak language such as “assisted” and “helped” will not instill the same level of confidence. Express yourself using powerful language such as “engineered”, “directed”, and “motivated” to express the depth of your work.

5.Alter the Length of Your Resume

Although it is recommended to shorten your resume to a one-page document, employers are more concerned with the quality of contents rather than the length. Be aware of crafting a resume that surpasses two pages as it will tire the employers eye, however, depending on the position you are applying for it is best to exemplify the details of the work you have accomplished.

6. Review Your Resume

Once the contents of the resume are finalized, it is important to go through the resume and ensure it is free from spelling mistakes and grammatical errors. After making sure the document is error free, asking someone else to review the resume for second opinion can reveal other areas of improvement. Being able to gain constructive criticism will help create a well rounded resume.

7. Tailor the Resume to Each Job

It is worth noting that a resume should be application specific. Although a full resume is submitted when applying for a job, it is important to tailor the contents of the resume to the job. Highlighting experiences, skills, and duties that are relevant to the job posting will instantly show the employer that you are qualified for the role. This added step can go a long way in the application process and separate you from other candidates.


Creating a resume is a lengthy and strenuous process. There are numerous variables that go into building a professional resume that presents the best version of yourself to the employer. Following these steps throughout the process will help create a clean, concise, and well-organized resume that employers will take the time to read.

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