Answering Behavioral Interview Questions in Nursing


Behavioral interview questions are commonly used in nursing interviews to assess a candidate's knowledge and experience. Behavioral interview questions are designed to determine how the candidate has responded to various challenges in their past and how they might handle each challenge in the future. It is important to answer these questions in a thoughtful and comprehensive manner to demonstrate your abilities and skills as a potential employee. This article provides some tips for how to answer behavioral interviewing questions in nursing.

Prepare in Advance

Before attending an interview, it is important to familiarize yourself with the common types of behavioral questions that are asked. Make sure that you understand the types of behavioral questions that are suitable for nursing and prepare answers to some of the more common questions. It is important to have some thoughtful and well-thought out answers to these questions. This helps you to stand out from other candidates and present yourself in a confident manner.

Be Honest and Open

When you are asked a behavioral question in a nursing interview, it is important to be honest and open with your answer. If you are confused or unfamiliar with the question, make sure to ask for clarification. Additionally, it is important to be open and honest about any mistakes or areas where you may have difficulty. This shows that you are open to constructive criticism and can learn from your mistakes.

Structure Your Answers

When answering behavioral questions in a nursing interview, it is important to structure your answers. You want to provide a clear, concise, and relevant answer to each question. It is a good idea to make sure that you include relevant examples that demonstrate the skills and experiences relevant to each question that you have discussed. This will help the interviewer form an accurate picture of your abilities.

Emphasize Your Strengths

Despite being honest and open, it is still important to emphasize your strengths when answering behavioral questions in a nursing interview. Showcasing your unique abilities and experiences will help distinguish you from other candidates. Make sure to focus on situations and experiences where you have succeeded. This will help demonstrate the skills that you have acquired and why you are the best candidate for the position.

Be Prepared for Follow-up Questions

When answering behavioral questions in nursing, it is important to be prepared for follow-up questions. The interviewer may ask deeper questions about your response. This is your opportunity to provide further examples and detail about your experiences and skills. Make sure to prepare these follow-up questions and provide thoughtful and detailed responses.


Answering behavioral questions in a nursing interview is an important part of the interviewing process. It is important to be prepared with some thoughtful and detailed answers to these questions. Additionally, it is important to be honest and open with your responses. Additionally, structure your answers and emphasize your strengths. Lastly, be prepared for follow-up questions. Following these tips can help you to successfully answer behavioral questions in a nursing interview.

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