Environmental Careers, Job Options, Salaries | A Comprehensive Guide

Environmental Careers, Job Options, and Salaries

Environmental careers are increasingly in demand with the current push to reduce the negative impacts of climate change. Whether you're considering making a switch to the green sector or looking to find a job that aligns with your values, environmental work broadly encompasses a wide range of positions and salary potential.

Types of Environmental Careers

The green sector encompasses work pertaining to conservation, waste management, energy, air and water quality, recycling and reclamation, habitat preservation, land-use planning, urban and rural growth, sustainability and green technology. Careers can be found in education, research, regulatory compliance, land management, advocacy, policy, and more.

Those looking to get into the environmental field might consider a variety of available jobs, such as:

Skills and Qualifications for Environmental Careers

Skills and qualifications vary depending on the type of green job you're pursuing. Some career paths require specialized degrees while others may accept a variety of educational backgrounds. Many environmental jobs require knowledge of government regulations, grant writing and other communication or operational skills.

For jobs in the field, technical skills in areas such as GIS (geographic information systems) may be beneficial. In some cases, knowledge of languages, data science, and knowledge of diverse habitats is necessary. For research, analytical, and policy-based roles, knowledge of statistics and policy writing is essential for career success.

Payscales and Salaries in Environmental Careers

Salaries vary for environmental jobs, ranging from lower wage positions such as field technologists to high-salaried roles such as environmental attorneys. The specific field, city, and level of experience (as well as the presence of a specialized degree) all factor into compensation.

In general, entry-level positions such as environmental technicians, data entry clerks, or field assistants may expect to earn in the range of $26,000 to 35,000 annually. For mid-level roles, such as environmental engineers or wildlife biologists, salaries can range between $50,000 and $75,000. Salaried roles such as environmental attorneys and sustainability experts can earn upwards of $100,000 each year.

Finding Job Opportunities

Finding a job in the environmental sector may require a bit of patience, as competition is often high. Registering with the Environmental Careers Organization and Donovan Environmental Solutions is a great starting point. Local, state, and federal government agencies also hire environmental scientists for a range of roles.

You can also find job listings through academic institutions such as colleges and universities. Don't forget to check out big players such as the Environmental Protection Agency, the Department of Energy, and the National Parks Service. Some positions may require an advanced degree, but there are also some requiring only a bachelors degree.

Networking Tips

Networking is the best way to get your foot in the door of the green sector. Join organizations related to your desired field and start attending conferences, seminars, and industry events. Reach out to current environmental career professionals to discuss job opportunities and get a better understanding of the sector. Connect with recruiters and headhunters to ensure you're at the top of their list.

Social media is also a useful tool for networking. Social networks such as LinkedIn, Twitter, and Facebook can help you build relationships with professionals from all over the world.


Environmental careers are increasingly in demand with a growing focus on reducing the impacts of climate change. With the right skills, qualifications, and networking techniques, you can find a job in the green sector that matches your passion and values. Salaries for environmental careers range widely, with the potential to earn a very healthy wage depending on your experience and expertise. With the right resources and information, you can find an environmental career that fits all your needs.

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