How To Write A Resume

Start with a Personal Introduction

When writing your resume, it's important to include a personal introduction. This can be done with a short, four to five sentence professional profile or summary statement. This should cover your professional and educational background as well as highlight your strengths or qualifications that best suit the job you are applying for. Your introduction should be the first section of your resume and should capture the reader's attention and summarize your strongest points.

Divide Your Resume into Relevant Sections

Organizing your resume into sections is key to keeping your resume easily readable and concise. The most common sections on a resume include a professional experience section, education section, and a skills section.

Detail Your Professional Experience

Your professional experience is probably the most important section in your resume as it is the section where employers are most interested to look. This should feature any jobs you have held in the past that are related to the position you are applying for. Make sure to include all the requisite information such as job titles, company names, dates of employment, primary responsibilities, and accomplishments at the job. It's important to be specific when writing out this section and to make sure that your points are relevant to the job you are applying for.

Provide a Detailed Education Section

Your education history is also important to include in a resume. You should list any degrees that are related to the job you are applying for, as well as any other education related to your prospective employer. Be sure to include the name of your school(s), the degree(s) obtained, dates of graduation, and any awards you may have been given.

Include Significant Professional Accomplishments

Whenever possible, list any awards or other accomplishments that are worth noting in your resume. This can include awards, promotions, or any other accomplishments that are significant in your professional development. Make sure to provide any details that are relevant to the position. This can include the number of people you managed, the amount of finances you managed, or other results that occurred due to your efforts.

Provide a Clear Skills Section

A skills section is another important component of your resume. This should include any skills or other qualifications that are related to the job you are applying for. Examples of skills you might include in your resume are knowledge of a particular software, a specific language, or other related qualifications. Make sure that whatever you choose to list in your skills section is relevant and demonstrates your ability for the job you are applying for.


Once the content of your resume is written, proofread and review the document carefully to make sure that it is free of any typos or other mistakes. If necessary, you may want to consider having a friend, family member, or professional editor/proofreader look over your resume to check for accuracy and clarity.

Make Your Resume Distinctive

Finally, it is important to make sure that your resume stands out from the rest. This can include using a unique format or adding in a side project or hobby that is related to the job. This can help to make your resume distinctive and to show that you are a unique candidate that is perfect for the job.

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