Key Components of High Impact Resumes

Key Components ofa High Impact Resume

In a competitive job market, it's vital to have a resume that stands out and gets noticed. A well-crafted resume can help you convey your message more effectively and can even help increase your chances of being chosen for an interview. To make sure your resume is impactful and memorable, there are some key components you need to include. Here are just a few of the elements that make up a high impact resume.

Effective Personal Summary

Your personal summary should be just that—personal. It's the very first thing the potential employer reads and can often determine whether or not they decide to keep reading. Your summary should concisely describe who you are, what your qualifications are, and why you are the right fit for the team. Make sure it is descriptive and easy to read, while also highlighting your most relevant experience.

Necessary Skills and Technologies

Consider listing your skills and technologies associated with your desired field. Assure the employer that you can handle the tools they need you to use, by showcasing your previous experience and technical qualifications. Regardless of its length, make sure to highlight the most essential and relevant ones.


Highlight your stellar skills and aptitude by noting your most impressive and impactful accomplishments. Include verifiable statistics and figures wherever possible. This will give recruiters an indication of how competent and professional you are when it comes to performing your tasks.


Not to be confused with accomplishments, achievements are longer-term objectives that you have achieved. Include awards, certifications and accomplishments you have acquired throughout your career, as they act as a testament to your skill and commitment.

Design and Formatting

The design and formatting of your resume matters just as much as the contents themselves. Ensure your resume has enough white space to make it easier to read and make it look clean and professional. The hiring manager should have no issue quickly skimming through your resume to get a sense of your candidacy.

Relevant Keywords

Employers often search resumes using keywords and phrases pertaining to the position they’re looking to fill. As a result, make sure to highlight any industry specific language that they might use by including it either in your summary or in the details of the job descriptions sections. This will help your resume stand out and get noticed.

Properly Formatted Contact Info

This is another important element of your resume. Prospective employers need to be able to reach out and contact you easily. Make sure your email address is accurate and professional and that your contact number is provided in an easy-to-read format.

Creative Use of Bullet Points

bullet points are an efficient way to showcase what makes you qualified for the position. This allows the hiring manager to quickly get an idea of your strengths and what you have to offer, in a matter of seconds. Make sure to create a cohesive layout with concise and descriptive bullet points, showing off your capabilities in the most effective way.

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